6 Simple steps to follow which will help discover your passion
Hey peeps, today we are going to discuss an important yet underrated thing, most of us never truly identify, our passion.
Right from childhood to adulthood, we come across people from different professions accidentally or in a situational way.
As kids, there’s a chance when we need to see a doctor when sick or injured while playing. A lot of us are impressed by the way doctors treat and solve our problems. This is one such situation, where we often want to be a doctor.
We watch movies, on both small and big screens. We get lost in the world of imagination created by the filmmakers. In every film or series, there is always a protagonist whom we address like our ‘hero’. He beats the henchmen down, rescues innocent people, and becomes the savior. People clap for him. We imagine ourselves doing the same thing (much to our lack of knowledge), as the actor portraying it on screen. Now, we want to be a film hero.
Similarly, there are so many life happenings when we get to know about people from different professions. We know about engineers, Sportsman, Pilot, businessman, defense, lawyer, chef, journalist, and what not.
Whenever we dream about something we want to be, we often express it to our parents, which they appreciate and approve with a smile. This is where, they see our dreams and use them as a motivational tool to persuade us to study hard.
“You gotta study well, for whatever you wanna be. It all starts here.”
We wanted to make it big by choosing any of these professions. However, as we grow up to high school goer, we forget about these ever changing dreams and we only focus on our academics which isn’t wrong. To choose any career, basic education is a must.
Eventually in that process, most of us begin our careers in arts, science, commerce or some diploma courses at our mid teens. What we thought of becoming once upon a time is now, just a memory.
Years later, we find ourselves working in some MNCs or SMEs and have some experience. Some of us switch companies while some opt for higher studies, local or abroad.
Some have realized that they aren’t in their field of interest. They quit their jobs, enroll for a course of their interest and get going. Gradually they also find jobs, they wished to have found long ago.
Most of us, however good at what we are doing, at once wish to have our passion as our work profile. A fact to tell, our passion and profile are not the same. A very, very small fraction of us identify with that and make it a profession.
We are so much bound by the pressure of survival in this world of competition and inflation, we want to financially strengthen ourselves which is practical thing to do. Isn’t it? Yes, there are some people, who only followed their passion, worked hard, beat all the odds, and are globally recognized as legends in their respective fields. Yet, they don’t constitute even 0.5% of the total world population. Not everyone can be like them. Can we?
Some people actually know where there passion lies, but are bound by priorities and duties. They have to make money to support their family. For first few years, they can earn and save money for future. Also, they can be in touch with their area of passion by practicing in spare time and stay up to date. Not a bad idea huh!
Now let’s finally move on to the main problem. Yes, you guessed it right. It’s just about those who do not know what their passion is. Right?
You have embarrassingly wasted so many years of your life to even think of discovering your passion. It’s ok. You are not the only one. Also, there are people who never even cared to know that, but led happy lives, never mind.
It’s not your fault that you are realizing that, you want to discover your passion. It’s never too late to learn anything or do anything that you like.
Before you jump and leave after reading the previous line, hold on. The article isn’t over. We are yet to discuss some simple steps to be followed if you want to know your real passion.
1 ) Explore
Exploring doesn’t mean enrolling for multiple courses, applying for exams, making quick career moves and all that. It’s about your thoughts. Think to yourself. What do you exactly enjoy doing? What doesn’t bore you easily or at all? Recall your childhood memories, school life. Are there any activities you excelled in, and got awarded? What are your hobbies? These questions often help you out.
2 ) Shortlist
You have noted down a few shortlisted activities that you enjoy doing. They are multiple. Not everything can be termed as your passion. Your passion is only one. The rest of them are just the fascinations.
3 ) Finalize
Now, this is a very important stage. You have to very carefully select that one thing you like doing the most from all the shortlisted things. You need to ask yourself some questions. Do I like it more than anything? Will I enjoy doing this all day and time? Does it give me sleepless nights thinking about it? Can I go on tirelessly talking and teaching this to others?
If the answer is yes, congratulations. You are halfway done.
4 ) Analyze
Another far more important stage is to gain knowledge. You need to know the market value for your passion. You have to find answers to some crucial questions. Will my passion get me money? Will it solve any problem for the customer? Is there any audience for my skill? If yes, how do I reach them? Do a thorough research on that.
Once all these conditions apply, the most important thing to know is how good you are. How different are you from the competition? What do you have to offer people so that will pay you? Think hard on that.
5 ) Polish
Assuming that you have got all your answers, you now know where you exactly stand. Then it’s time when you need to scale up your skills to be competitive and stand out of the crowd in the market.
6 ) Test
Once you are market-ready, you can face the competition. It may take some time for you to get work, but you will get it. The rest will depend on how long you stay without giving up, believing in your instincts, staying updated from time to time, and the quality of work you give.
At first focus on quality. Never compromise on that. Quantity and money will follow.
Hey there, hope you had a good read. Have you discovered your passion? If yes, great! If not, hope this read would help you a bit. Comment down your answers in the comment section.