Simplest ways to become emotionally strong

4 min readNov 22, 2020


Emotion or feeling is an honest reaction from your mind to any circumstance or event. It can be either positive or negative.

The article Why it’s ok to be honest about your emotions explained has explained a little more about the origin of emotions in the introduction. Read to find out.

If we look at emotions from a human view, they can either be strong or weak. People can be either emotionally strong or weak, just like the physical and financial strength.

Physical strength can be attained by doing regular exercises, healthy diet and lifestyle.

For finance, one can make money by working hard in your field of expertise or any business if you own, smartly planning long term savings and avoiding unnecessary expenses.

However, neither of the techniques or even if both of them combined, will make a person emotionally strong. It is not necessary that a financially well settled and physically fit looking person is as emotionally strong as in the other two departments.

On the contrary, if a person is emotionally strong and intelligent enough, then it is not too hard for him to succeed in the other departments.

Readers, please know for a fact that, there are people in the world who are strong not just physically and financially, but emotionally too. Emotional well being is as important as the others.

One more thing to clarify, being emotionally strong and ability to control emotions are neither similar nor opposite. This article is in no way connected to, or contradictory to the article mentioned in the beginning. Both are completely different aspects of humans.

Emotions have their own but fair demands.

Who among you is emotionally strong? May be, some of you are. That’s great. But what about the others? Those who aren’t, don’t you want to be emotionally strong ? Of course you do.

It’s not possible for me, I am very emotional

Nobody is emotionally strong by birth. It’s a skill you need to develop. Strength is built, not inherited.

How can I be strong emotionally? I am too emotional person to even think about it.”

Whatever things you are easily doing today as an adult, are the same you couldn’t think of when you were a toddler.

Emotions are my weakness, I am otherwise strong.”

If emotions are your weakness, then what’s the use of being the strong person you are?

These above quotes are some of the ‘emotional’ excuses we keep telling our minds.

We will now discuss and learn some simple ways to build our emotional strength right from zero.

Stop sympathizing.

Whenever there is anything wrong happening in our lives, many of us tend to show too much sympathy to ourselves. Sympathy is a temporary comfort but not a permanent solution.

So instead of seeking sympathy, try to fight back the situation. That will become foundation for your emotional strength.

Be independent.

You can’t have your friend, sibling or a cousin to be your side and comfort you each time when you feel low. Moreover, that wouldn’t even help you.

Your strength cannot lie in another person. It has to come from within. You have to be your own support system. And to do that, you need to move out of this concept of companionship. You are enough capable of that.

Stop blaming.

If you are facing some emotional crisis caused by a person, by implication it means, only that person will come and sort out the things for you.

If that’s your assumption, then you are highly mistaken. If you take charge of the crisis, then the steering is in your hand.

Know to differentiate.

There are good things, there are bad. There are right things, there are wrong. There are things, some matter to you and some don’t. Just like for the things, same apply to people.

What you need to do is to know to differentiate between them and invest your emotions accordingly. That will make you emotionally intelligent and eventually strong too.

Learn to use.

Each and every emotion can be put to work. If it can be your weakness, the same can become your strength provided it is used at the right place. Your emotion can be transformed to determination.

Be spiritual

It is necessary for humans to always be in touch with their spiritual side. It will definitely strengthen you mentally.

I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them and to dominate them.

-Oscar Wilde.

Hope this article reaches the people who need. If you have anything to add more to this you are most welcome. What’s your take on emotional strength? You can share them in the comments section.




Written by Makarand

Aspiring fictional story writer

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