Currently if you are reading this article, then there is a good chance of you having read two other articles about fear called Fear: Face it to overcome and Why fear? Just start over!. This one is a continuation to neither of the two.
The former article is about a real story narration where a person lived with a fear of water for two decades and how he overcame it. The later describes a kind of fear which is not even known to the person who wants to set out on a journey to pursue his/her passion.
Be it water or something unknown, fear has similar effect on the person’s mind. It hinders the way for the person who wants to do something big, good and different in life.
In the fear-for-water story, the person who dreaded entering water finally takes his first step to overcome his fear, enters the pool and begins to train from basics. In the fear-for-unknown story it is said that the hurdle lies while beginning. In all ways, beginning is a very important stage which stands between you and your goal.
There is also something which lies between the state of fear and beginning to overcome it. Fear can only be overcome by facing it, that everyone knows. The question is how to convince the mind to approach the fear and battle it. That’s even bigger than beginning. In an abstract way, it’s called the state-of-mind transition.
In a mind full of fear, there are lots of thoughts inside the brain. Precisely, it is the reptilian brain (part of human brain) which is constantly creating and sending signals to different parts of body to protect from any danger. In such a condition, the state-of-mind transition will never happen. This might take days, weeks, months, years or even a decades to happen.
Now the question arises what exactly can cause that shift from fear to the beginning of overcoming that. The answer is fear itself. It’s you who have to confront your fear and fight back. You have to prepare your mind to get ready to face whatever comes your way & realize that there is nothing to lose. It’s you Vs you fear.
While diving in deep water to swim, even the water pushes you upwards for the first time. After that, it depends on how well you co-ordinate hands and legs movements as directed by the instructor. Now that you have already jumped, you do not have time to keep screaming out of fear or for negative thoughts. You are already in action to save yourself from drowning. You will only follow what your instructor orders to you do and do it sincerely. You may not succeed at first few attempts but eventually you will learn to figure out to fight the water. Water is no more your enemy. Gradually as you practice harder and for a number of days, your fear is a history. Your weakness is now among your strengths, the latest one though.
You have given a thought to all the possible scenarios of what might come your way while deciding upon pursing your passion. You realize that it’s either now or never. This is where the state-of-mind transition happens. You no more care for what lies ahead. Whatever choices you make good or bad, right or wrong, you will own their complete responsibility. Any possible problems coming your way should be self induced. After beginning your journey you make decisions, make mistakes, feel low sometimes but somehow continue your journey towards your goal. You may face some difficulties which may tempt you to back out, but when you look back, you are already halfway through. You realize that nothing can deter you anymore. You are all set to conquer the remaining half and you do it.
“A show of daring oft conceals great fear.” — Lucan.
Now that you have already faced and battled your fear, you realize that there was a force pushing you all through the ordeal. That’s nothing but “Courage”. This courage will also make you conquer your other fears.
Courage is neither a super human quality nor can be bought by money. It comes from fear. Both are interconnected.
What are your thoughts about the relationship between fear and courage? Do share in the comment section.